Alex has announced a fundamental shake-up of the justice system that takes dangerous offenders off the streets for longer while rehabilitating lower risk offenders.The reforms include:
Rapists to stay locked up for all of their sentences, building on the Government's work to keep the most dangerous offenders in prison for longer
Ending the merry-go-round of reoffending by legislating for a presumption against prison sentences of less than 12 months. Instead of going to prison, the lowest risk and first-time offenders will be given a chance to turn themselves away from a life of crime by repaying their debt to society by cleaning up neighbourhoods and scrubbing graffiti off walls.
Stepping up work to remove thousands of foreign prisoners by deporting them earlier and agreeing more transfer agreements with other countries
Legislating to allow prisoners to be held in overseas prisons
Reviewing the incentives around early guilty pleas, to save the courts time and spare victims the ordeal of giving evidence in court
You can watch Alex's statement in the House of Commons by clicking HERE
You can read Alex's OpEd in The Telegraph by clicking HERE
You can read more about the reforms by clicking HERE